KINDI (Key encapsulatIoN and encryption baseD on lattIces) is a lattice-based encryption scheme and CCA-secure key encapsulation mechanism that relies on lattice-based trapdoor functions. It recovers both the secret and error in MLWE instances. Due to this one attains nice security features and a high message throughput resulting in smaller ciphertext expansion factors at competitive parameters and performance.
- Current Documentation (update Oct 2018 )
Compared to the original update Oct 2018 we only add a small remark in Section 2.1 summarizing some of the design decisions. For instance, decryption of the CPA-secure scheme outputs also s1 only when used as a subroutine for the CCA-secure KEM in accordance to Section 2.1.4 (first paragraph: “ The second output value s1 is necessary for the KEM“ ) and in accordance to all the concrete implementations in the submission package (s1 is never output in the implementations – per definition of CPA-secure encryption). The seed is only relevant for the CCA-secure KEM and thus included for the sake of completeness of this specification. - Documentation (update Jan 2018)
- Submitted Documentation (Dec 2017)
KINDI was submitted to the NIST Call for Proposals: